Monday, June 15, 2020

Stem cells What they are and what they do - Free Essay Example

This section offers a summary regarding the background of the topic concerning how Stem Cell Research and treatment works and its purpose together with application in the real world. The stem cells are usually capable of developing into different cell types both in the embryonic period as well as during growth. The stem cells can undergo self-renewal and may be induced to develop into an organ or tissue-specific cells. Current stem cell research together with the therapy is based on the use of tissue-based engineering technologies with the combination of transplantation principles, micro-engineering and material science for organoid development (Mahla, 2016). The organoid is then used in the physiological restoration of the damaged tissues and organs. Stem cell research is central to regenerative medicine with a foundation for cell-based treatment for various diseases without a conventional cure. Consequently, the technology provides alternatives for tissue restoration. Benefits of Stem cell research and Therapy There are several benefits of stem cell research (SRC) and treatment. SRC enhances the understanding of the physiological functioning and stimulates medical advancement. The studies and he associated therapeutic approach may introduce different methods of curing degenerative diseases such as Parkinsons, Alzheimers, repair damaged dental tissues in addition to reversing the aging process. SRC provides an opportunity for testing the drugs without the use of human beings or testers (Leventhal, 2012). There is a great potential for growing tissues and organs such as limbs for transplantation with an enhanced assessment of the early human development resulting in the limitation of infertility, birth defects, and miscarriages. Section 3 Demerits of Stem Cell Research and Treatment Despite the numerous potential benefits of stem cell research as well as treatment, there are as well several associated disadvantages. Certain demerits include the destruction of embryos during the acquisition o f the embryonic stem cells for the inner cell mas of a blastocyst. Since the use of stem cell technology is not extensively developed, there is a huge potential for unknown therapy-related side effects, increased possibility for immunological rejection and challenges regarding long-term survival of the transplanted cells (Reisman Adams, 2014). There is a high possibility of oncogenic transformation of the donor stem cells especially those of adult origin due to limited regeneration capacity. The use of immunosuppressive therapy to limit tissue rejection is associated with infection risk and drug related adverse effects. There are also social and ethical concerns about the use of embryonic stem cells particularly among those who consider life to begin at conception which has resulted in minimal federal funding of stem cell research which limits progress (Leventhal et al., 2012). Section 4 The final section offers information related to the attitude of the media concerning stem cell research, new laws on the technology in the United States. The media has been a critical component on the dissemination of the stem cell related research and therapy. Majority of the new sources or media have been supportive of the new technology owing to its potential benefits in managing incurable and degenerative illnesses. For instance, on 30th November 2018, the New York Times when reporting about issues regarding the births of gene-edited babies with widespread public disapproval publishe d an article entitled, Fear that Uproar Over gene-edited Babies Could Block Science. Currently, the Trump administration is reviewing the laws that permitted the use of aborted fetal parts for research. Another recent law which necessitates the timely implementation of the stem cell therapy is the 21st Century Cures Act which was signed by president Obama into law in 2016 (Research America, 2018).

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