Sunday, May 17, 2020

The vulnerability of computerised accounting information...

Abstract. The objective of this essay is to determine the vulnerability of computerised accounting information system to computer crime and the solutions to prevent such crime from occurring in organisations. Ever-Changing information technology has made computerised accounting processes easier. However, it has also created significant threats in relation to ensuring the security and reliability of computerised accounting information systems. Using an accounting software package such as MYOB can be vulnerable to frauds if internal controls are not implemented correctly. Fraudulent activities such as unauthorised use of data, theft of inventory, theft of funds and incorrect financial reporting can be conducted by internal employees of an†¦show more content†¦Controls procedures are managements response to risks and risks identified in risk assessment stage. Another part of identifies key risks in electronic exchange of information and money, so the control procedures can prevent unauth orized use of data from being accessible (Albrecht, et al, 2003). Using accounting software packages such as MYOB can pose significant vulnerability to computer crime. The location of computer in the users area can result in unauthorized use of data file and misuse of computer recourses. Controls suggested to prevent these can be password protection and physical control over computer hardware such as locks and read only access. As well as providing unauthorized access to people, a lack of technical knowledge by the uses of MYOB can raise potential risks such as hardware failure or release or confidential data. A control to offset these risks could include documentation and checklists and regular maintenance of software and hardware. Use of utility programs to configure data files of a software package can lead to several risks such as unauthorized access to data and program, undetected changes to file and processing of unauthorized transactions (Davia, Coggins, Wideman Kastantin, 2000, p154). The primary means of controlling these risks are to limit access to system utilities used by employees. In addition if a proper firewall is not installed data and information can be viewed that passes along a networkShow MoreRelated The Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 20006383 Words   |  26 PagesThe Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Introduction ============ For my module computing I have to find research and produce detailed report on freedom of information and the need for security. The information commissioner’s office enforces and oversees the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 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